National Environment and Community Biosecurity Research, Development & Extension (NECBRDES) Strategy
Client: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Date: 2019 – 2023 (in progress)
Following the 2021 development and subsequent endorsement of the Strategy, Wild Matters has been engaged to implement priority actions. The Strategy provides a framework and actions that aim to:
- better link biodiversity and environmental biosecurity research and policy
- work collaboratively across other national RD&E strategies to identify shared priorities and opportunities and reduce duplication
- establish the foundational requirements that are critical for effective and efficient RD&E by identifying priorities and building and maintaining capability and
- promote RD&E priorities for investment, maximising collaboration, and innovation opportunities.
Services provided:
- form biosecurity cross-sector working groups
- identify RD&E requirements and objectives across relevant biosecurity sectors
- refine existing RD&E priorities
- develop a communication plan to encourage stakeholder participation in implementation
- work collaboratively across other national RD&E strategies to identify shared priorities and opportunities and reduce duplication,
- promote RD&E priorities for investment, maximising collaboration, and innovation opportunities.