Client: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Victoria
Date: 2016
The Weeds at the Early Stages of Invasion (Developing the ‘Search and Detect Guide’ ESI) Project focuses on high risk invasive species at the early stage of invasion that threaten biodiversity on public land in Victoria.
WESI supports, enables and builds the capabilities of DELWP and Parks Victoria staff working on invasive species by developing processes, standards and tools to achieve localised eradication of high risk invasive plants and animals at the early stage of invasion.
Wild Matters Pty. Ltd. were engaged to develop the ‘Search and detect’ guide. This assists public land managers in developing and conducting strategic searches for high risk invasive plants and making the most of opportunistic detection of weeds on public land.
Services provided:
- Desktop studies, literature review, analysis of findings
- Development of case studies
- Development of diagrams, flow charts and concept maps
- Development of processes and procedures for searching and detecting weeds
- Writing services